Saturday, August 04, 2007

Good article for us bivocs

This is a good article for us bivoc (or, in my case, trivoc) pastors.

Bivocs may never gain the celebrity status of some in the church - especially us microchurch pastors (I'm using that term as a tongue-in-cheek counterpoint to the whole "megachurch" thing, not in it's technical meaning which tends to be heavily related to the "house church" movement). But each is given a measure of grace for the calling to which he's called; and sometimes, those of us who don't have the external perks and ego strokes of larger, more "successful" ministries need encouragement to keep faithfully plowing the fields we've been given, as faithful stewards.

So... here you go; read the article.

You'll thank me later.

1 comment:

Clayritter said...

This article reminded me of a pastor I crossed paths with. A few months ago I called a pastor of another local church, and i was surprised when he told me he was the "interim pastor".

Not that it was strange that he was the interim pastor, but that his *ministry* was that of being an interim pastor to small churches.

He went on to share that he felt called to help out churches that had lost their pastor, etc, and didn't have the financial means to pay a pastor, and he wanted to bless the church and feed them until they got things straightened out. He worked a full time job, and didn't take any pay for the role.

I was blessed - and humbled!

clay ritter
cc wilmington nc