And on the 2,554,543rd day, God made the DVR
Our midweek service, verse-by-verse through the Old Testament, is on Thursday evenings. A holdover from when we were sharing a building with a Church of God (Seventh-Day), since they met on Wednesdays, we met on Thursdays. We kept that arrangement when we moved into our own space, and it's worked out real good - we have several guys who come to the OT study who still go to other churches on Sunday and Wednesday; so it's enabled us to be a greater blessing to the Body at large than what we normally would be.
And it has other advantages; such as, being a "bivoc" (i.e., I have a day job to support my habit), it gives me an extra day in my otherwise very busy week to study to teach the Old Testament.
But on occasion, it creates an odd tension.
Like last night.
We studied Exodus 20, the giving of the Ten Commandments. Now, keep in mind that the very first of the Ten is "you shall have no other gods before Me." Your god is whatever your master-passion is - whatever you'd sacrifice for, whatever you'd get up early for or stay up late for, whatever drives you.
...aaaaaaand Thursday just happened to be the opening game of the playoff series between my Detroit Red Wings and the Calgary Flames, the team that has one of my favorite players, Darren McCarty.
Church starts at seven.
Face-off was at seven.
Your god is whatever you'd sacrifice for.
Some people know me too well; I received many inquires yesterday as to whether or not I'd be teaching last night, given that conflict of time-slots.
Of course, church wins out, without question or hesitation. I can always read box-scores and recaps and the like; but the twin privileges of gathering together with my brothers and sisters in the Lord, and being able to share with them the riches of God's Word, trumps anything else....however, I am very thankful for the DVR. I set it to record the game while we chomped through the Word.
And at ten o'clock, when I got home...
What a great game!!!
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