Friday, September 08, 2006

Star Trek just won't die...

As an avid Trekkie (note: Trekkie, not the more "I don't want to sound too geeky" Trekker -- an über lame PC-ism if you ask me...) I got a huge kick out of this article on space-dot-com. Even after 40 years, and a failed franchise (ST:Enterprise) that somewhat lost the Trek vision along the way (but got it back near the end there - yay, Manny Cotto), Star Trek is still very much a part of the American legendarium. Even other sci-fi shows pay homage to the excellent, if often cheesy Star Trek corpus; did anyone catch the utterly hilarious episode "200" on Stargate: SG-1...? How about that "set... weapons to... maximum" Kirkian quote by Lt. Col. Mitchell??? Tee hee hee...

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