Sunday, July 02, 2006

Walking the Grand Haven pier... during heavy seas

Yesterday, after dinner, my lovely and gracious wife and I walked the Grand
Haven pier; the seas were pretty heavy, which made for some awesome pictures
(there were a lot of people with cameras, and a lot of people at the end of the
pier watching the huge waves break over -- well, bigger waves than usual on Lake

maggie on the pier, heavy seas 1

Maggie at the head of the pier... doesn't look like much in this picture, taken from the camera phone, but those are pretty boisterous waves out there on Lake Michigan...

the channel, heavy seas 1

Looking across the channel, up the coast to

looking back to shore, heavy seas 1

Looking south from the head of the pier to
the Grand Haven beach

water coming over the edge of the grand haven pier - heavy seas 1

water coming over the edge of the grand haven pier - heavy seas 2

looking up the grand haven pier, heavy seas 1

looking up the channel, heavy seas 1

Some pics of the water breaking over the

dude at the end of the grand haven pier, heavy seas 1

dude at the end of the grand haven pier, heavy seas 2

dude at the end of the grand haven pier, heavy seas 3

This dude was just standing there letting
the waves soak over him.

maggie at the end of the grand haven pier, heavy seas 1

it's windy, the seas are rough... and still
she manages to look good...

water coming up over the end of the grand haven pier 1

...the water breaking over the end of the

maggie, at the end of the grand haven pier, watching the water break over the edge

Looking over Maggies' shoulder at the waves

looking back to shore, heavy seas 2

...and now looking back down the pier on
the way back to shore.

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