Tuesday, January 15, 2008

More great posts

First off: Cap'n Chris of the Good Ship Elrod has posted on the recent history (and lessons learned) of the very awesome changes/clarifications at Compass Point Church:

...and while you're at it, this treatment of Luther's legacy is quite good.

Plus, I have to read something to distract myself from the thrashing the Thrashers are currently ministering ever-so-gently to my Wings... 11:00 left in the third, we're down 4-0... yeeeeesh...

1 comment:

maria empie said...

Hi Mike. Checking out all the great pictures. Sure makes my heart lonely. Tell the all the sheep that the Empies say HI and we miss them. We just starting going to Living waters Fellowship in Coronado, CA. It is a much smaller church about 50? people. It is a much better fit and we really felt that the Lord was directing us this way. I love a small fellowship. Did God ever really want us to have mega churches? I guess there is a place for all as long as they teach the Word and people get saved, HUH.