Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Pop Quiz

While doing my light reading, unwinging from tentmaking, I ran across this "Statement of Purposes and Principles":

We covenant to affirm and promote:
1. The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
2. Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
3. Acceptance of one another and encouragement of spiritual growth in our congregations;
4. A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
5. The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society
at large;
6. The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all;
7. Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

Now, here's the quiz part: Is this the mission statement of:
  1. A theologically conservative, evangelical Christian church

  2. A Pentecostal prayer group

  3. A "fightin' fundie" fellowship

  4. An Emerging Community

  5. None of the above


Saturday, July 28, 2007

So sorry, been terribly busy, buuuuut...

Okay, so being (Lord willing, temporarily) trivocational and getting ready to (hopefully) adopt a little man-child who's about to be born here at the end of August has been very... taxing. And time-consuming. So none of my usually laconic blogposts.

However, while getting ready to dive into the Revelation tomorrow (...so should I be like many of the new "Calvary-Lite" ECM-types that are beginning to enter the Calvary movement and give it a pretentious über-relevant "series" name... like "Visions!" or something...? Hmmmmmm...), I opened my Bloglines feed and found a link to a series of utterly, absolutely, ridiculously funny and apropos "motivational" posters for the ECM from the Team Pyro dudes.

(You can find the originals here.)

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Been tagged...

Alrighty, then... looks like Vee from the Living Journey blog went and "tagged" me.


And I mean that "ergh" in the most godly, joyful way possible. I just have no idea how to answer these sorts of things...

Sooooooo... the "tag" goes as thus:

The rules are as follows … I have to post 8 things about myself that no-ones knows about. And then tag 8 fellow bloggers.

I can do the first part, if I try reeeeeeally hard, but as for the second... don't know if I'll be able to pull that off - 'cept to start by back-tagging Vee, which I'm certain breaks not only the rules of tag but also likely would initiate some sort of recursive causality thing which would violate several principles of quantum fluctuation... so we'll skip that part.

So, to my List Of Eight (...sounds so very The Postman-ish...)

  1. I was a painfully introverted and quiet child - right up until puberty. Then, all testosterone broke loose.

  2. I was raised a New Ager (i.e., Episcopalian), converted to Nichiren Buddhism during my teen years, slipped into general agnosticism, then outright cynicism - then surrendered to Jesus.

  3. I actually have two "tentmaking" jobs - one as an engineer/CNC programmer, and one as an instructor for CAD/CAM software and CNC operation. And I'm a pastor. Makes for some reeeeeeeeeeeeally long days/weeks. Like this last one.

  4. I have never understood pastors who say they "need a break." Need a break from what, exactly? To me, that's like needing a break from being a husband, or a father. I don't get it.

  5. I am a huge procrastinator. Or at least, I will be tomorrow. I don't have the energy to procrastinate today.

  6. The whole "three-zat-shot" thing is really unrealistic. I mean, seriously.

  7. I think Dominik Hasek is a great goalie. He needs a shock-collar to keep him in the crease, but he's a great goalie. However, my favorite goalie isn't a Wing; he's a Devil.

  8. My wife - my lovely and gracious wife - can cook. Consequently, though I was a size 32 waist on our wedding day, I am now... ah... larger. Ahem. However, I couldn't care less; she still lets me stay here in our small yet tiny house. However, I still spend about a half hour on the death machine about three times a week because high blood pressure runs - nay, gallops in my family. Plus, I get to listen to MP3s of Bible studies from other guys, covering the chapters we'll be covering on the following Thursday or Sunday. Also, I really love it when I stop.

Soooo, that's it.

Lame, I know, but there you go.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Well... at least Islam isn't a VIOLENT religion...

Click here.

You have to see it to believe it...

(Thanks, Vee, for the heads-up on the formatting issue...)