Saturday, February 16, 2008

Liberals are Crazy.

Now, the article refers to political liberals, but Dr. Lyle Rossiter's premise on the correlation between liberalism and mental disorder probably translates well to the question of theological liberals, wouldn't you think?

How long do you think it'll take Ricky Abanes to come to the Open Source dudes' defense, there, eh?

Okay, that last statement was more than slightly snarky. And unjustified.


Richard Abanes said...

Ohhhhh, now Mikey, did you reealllly have to take that kind of tone. tsk tsk tsk. and a pastor, too. :-(

Somehow I can't imagine D. James Kennedy or Charles Stanley saying, "How long do you think it'll take Ricky Abanes to come to the Open Source dudes' defense, there, eh?" Hmm, maybe it's a CC thing.

And I'm not even exactly sure you think I'd have anything to do with this anyway. Ah well. Have a good day.

R. Abanes

mike macon said...

Who's assuming? 'Twas a question, a "thing that made me go 'hmmmmmmm...'."

I can't imagine Chuck Stanley or Dr. Kennedy saying many of the things I say. To each his own personality. Both of the aforementioned men are (or in Dr. Kennedy's case, was) great men of God. I like and have been tremendously blessed by both.

Richard Abanes said...

Just bustin' yer chops bro. But in all seriousness, I'm not sure why you'd even bring me up in reference to that piece. Hmm.

R. Abanes