Thursday, June 07, 2007

2007 Pastors' Conference - Day 4

Oh, my.

...that's pretty much all I can say. "Oh, my."

You need to get Bob Coy's message. You need to. Call Calvary Distribution and get it.

There is, at every conference, one message specifically which I discover that I am there for. This was it. Damien's the night prior was awesome, and that afterglow... Coy's message hit it out of the park for me.

The bottom line: What if I (God) never add one more person to your church? Will you still be faithful? Will you love on those "few" sheep of Mine that I've given you to shepherd faithfully, and strive to make them the best loved, best fed sheep you can by My grace?

Oh... my...

I'll be unpacking that message, and the Holy Spirit's very strong message through prophecy given at the afterglow the night prior, for the next six months at least.

Oh... my...

Also, I've uploaded most of the photos from the conference here.

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